About Our Earrings

Our earrings are made with beads and wire. I've been collecting beads all my life. The beads are made from a variety of materials: glass, acrylic, clay, wood, crystal and semi-precious stones such as jade, ruby, amethyst, pearl or shell. Some beads are re purposed vintage I've collected from old jewelry so I can reuse them in new creations. and some beads, I've made myself.

Of course I'm also always buying new modern beads.

The beads are strung together with either base metals, silver plate or gold plate or sterling silver. I also have become fond of copper and brass. Most of my earrings are from 1-2" in length.

Some base metals contain nickel which is a common irritant for some people. In that case you'd want to choose either gold plated, silver plated or copper. I have a friend who coats her earring wires with clear finger nail polish to avoid being irritated.

Also wires come in different sizes. The size you choose is mater of the size of your ear lobe and what's comfortable for you.

Always give our earrings a brush with a jewelry cloth when you take them off. The oils in your skin often cause a tarnish that can be avoided if you keep your earrings clean and away from the air. Storing in a small zip lock bag seems to work well.

pink flower