Knitted ItemsJJJJJJJanet's Hands Knitting

Our master knitter, Janet, makes a variety of knitted items using some of the finest yarns in the world to create socks, hats and scarves. These materials come at a higher price than average yarns. New natural-fibers and fiber-synthetic blends combine special characteristics that make them highly sought after for comfortable, warm clothing that “breaths” and can be worn next to the skin without the itchiness and irritation often associated with wool.

More and more people around the world are choosing to avoid synthetic materials in their clothing and other items and many people are seeking more natural alternatives, such as bamboo for athletes foot and other conditions. Many of the new natural-fiber yarns are machine washable, making them more practical than ever before.

About Our Yarns

Sockotta Panda Cotton Merino
Bamboo Superwash Wool Zauberball
Viscose Regia Kroy Wool